Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seattle Summer

I lived off the coast of New Hampshire for a couple summers. On hot days the morning fog started thick and cool and eventually the sun would burn off the fog and gorgeousness would settle in.

This must just be a phenomena of living close to the water. Today while driving Sean to work I caught a glimpse and smell of the sound and knew it was going to be one of those beautiful summer days where the fog burns off and gorgeousness settles in.

1 comment:

sallycat04 said...

Hey Rachel.

I hve been following your other blog off and on and i love it. Your little girl is beautiful.

We live near Gainesville (north central). Its nice. I love not having a winter.

Thanks for looking at my blog. I am trying to have a very produtive year. You get so caught in day to day with kids that you can feel like you never accomplish anything. So I made a list and a blog to keep me accountable.

Have a great weekend.